Traveling to South Africa
Speakers who do not have plans prior to the conferences are asked to arrive the morning of Friday, October 5th.  You will be picked up at the Johannesburg airport and taken to Neethling's Place.  Please let Ena Bothma
( know when your plane will arrive. 
If you will be leaving South Africa right after ACRE 18, we recommend that you book your return flight for Saturday, October 13th.  (It would be difficult to make a Friday evening flight on the last day of the conference.) Most speakers spend Friday evening at the Town Lodge in Pretoria
( and get in some final shopping, dining, sight seeing, etc.
Guest housing at
Neethling's Place
To keep your options open and get the best rates, we recommend that you book your flights as early as possible!

For information on booking flights through the US travel agency that handles the largest amount of South African Air travel (and other airlines going to South Africa), contact Sandra Campbell at Premier Tours.  Her phone number is 800.545.1910, ext. 428; her e-mail is

If you wish to book yourself through one of the online options, you might try Mobissimo ( or CheapoAir

Travel Notes:  Make sure your passport is current and that you have sufficient visa pages left to cover your travel (two per country to be visited). Please note that the final pages in some passports are not visa pages and cannot be used for visa stamps. 

For the latest international travel information, US citizens should check the US Consular Affairs website (
cis_1008.html).  Non-US residents should check with the State Department in their country of residency.  Due to increased security concerns, things take longer than they used to, so be prepared to take care of any documents you may need well in advance of your travel.  Also, check with your airline to see if there have been any route changes.

Before visiting South Africa, you may need to get vaccinations and medications for vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases you might be at risk for. (Note: Your doctor or health-care provider should determine exactly what you will need, depending on factors such as your health and immunization history, areas of the country you will be visiting, and planned activities.)

For further information on which vaccinations and medications you may need for your trip, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website at  For more information on the country of South Africa, you can visit the US Department of State South African information web page at
Petting baby lion at game park outside Johannesburg