Recreational Travel in South Africa
We plan on booking some time at the spa in town before the conference.  If you wish to get a massage or use other spa services, please let Ena Bothma
( know so that we can be sure to get enough time slots reserved.  We also plan a game drive at one of the game parks near Kobus's farm -- Mabalingwe ( and the De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Centre ( are favorites.
Alan in Namibia
Dilts taking a
break in Zululand
If you wish to spend extra time in Africa, there are many options you can explore.  Some of the favorites are game drives in Kruger National Park ( and visits to Cape Town (Table Mountain, the city and its night life, the false and real Cape, Robben Island, Wine Country, beautiful countryside, the Atlantic and Indian Ocean Coasts, the Garden Route from Cape Town to Elizabethton,

Pretoria sightseeing includes the city, a historic
meteor crater, and a Nmbele village site.
Johannesburg siteseeing includes the oldest skeleton
site, Soweto tours (from Johannesburg or Pretoria),
and gold and diamond mines.
Victoria Falls
Northeast South Africa is a beautiful farming area and has the SA grand canyon, Pilgrim's Rest (site of first gold find), Kreuger National Park, and Zwaziland (a country inside SA).  In the southeast, there is Leshotho (a country inside of SA) and the Natal-Zulu area, which has an environment similar to the southwestern US with mountains & canyons, Durban, and the Indian Ocean Coast. 

Options outside of South Africa are Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.  A trip to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe will provide relatively easy access to the famous Victoria Falls, the town of Victoria Falls and its native crafts center, Botswana's Chobe Nature Preserve Tour (thousands of animals seen during a single day with a 1/2 day boat tour and a 1/2 day game vehicle tour), and excellent hotels in both Victoria Falls and Chobe.

It is to your advantage to make arrangements in advance of arriving in South Africa as travel agencies are not easily accessible from the bush where we are staying.  We have arranged a series of day trips in advance of the conference:

• Tuesday, October 2nd -- Lion & Rhino Park and Sterkfontein Caves -- See and

• Wednesday, October 3rd -- Soweto and Hector Pieterson & Apartheid Museums -- See,, and

• Thursday, October 4th -- Pilanesberg Game Reserve -- See

For information on other recreational travel opportunities and suggestions on how to arrange accommodations, contact Gavin Mong
(, and he will try to help you.  Please do not ask our hosts at Neethling's Place to help you with recreational travel as they will be very busy with conference arrangements.